Monday, March 28, 2011

Multiplying Miracles: Thoughts on John 14:12

John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

This passage has always been one that has led me to respond, "Really Lord? You can't be serious." But I think Jesus is serious here. Jesus was fully human and fully divine, yet he was still only one man whose earthly ministry lasted less than four years. Yet he has blessed many of us with long life and a clear ministry that can last decades. Not only that, but we can pass our ministries and missions on to the next generation, steadily growing a vast army of workers to do God's will on earth. Time and communal effort multiply miracles.

Isn't it interesting that Jesus says we will do greater things because he is going to the Father, not despite it? I think Jesus needed to go to the Father instead of remaining on earth to give us space and underscore the reality that we need to take full responsibility for every aspect of our lives in him. This is a tough one for all of us. There always seems to be at least a corner of our hearts that we shield from him, keeping it in the dark, away from his blinding light (or so we think). But of course Jesus has all the time in the world and infinite patience. It is we who are slow to learn (see 2 Peter 3:9).

I think it's also interesting that this passage is a response to a request for Jesus to show his apostles the Father. I can just see the look on his face when they made this request - incredulity. "Are you kidding me?" seems to be the subtext of Jesus' response. Unlike us, Jesus reflects the Father perfectly. Yet I'm just as guilty as Philip on this front. I stand here, despite his continued presence, patience, and grace, and have the audacity to ask to see the Father. Yet in the midst of his admonishment, Jesus makes the above outlandish promise. Do we have audacity in our faith that is equal to our audacity we show in our disbelief? If so, according to Jesus himself, we will actually do greater things than he did while on earth. Amazing.