Friday, June 25, 2010

Pain or Pain? - You Choose (from Mattison Grey)

I had to share this blog post from my friend and colleague Mattison Grey. It's very compelling and thought-provoking (so the claims about physical strength and accomplishment are hers, not mine, ha). Mattison is actually participating in the Best Coaching Blogs contest sponsored by the School of Coaching Mastery (Julia Stewart's school), so if you like the post as much as I did, please follow the link at the end of the post and vote for the blog, and post a comment to her blog if you are so compelled. Thanks.

Life is painful. There, I said it.
Everyday we have some sort of pain that shows up: emotional, physical, mental, something. Consequently we spend much of our time running from pain. We hire therapists, life and business coaches, or consultants to help us figure out how to get out of pain and stay there. We self medicate with alcohol, food, tobacco, prescription drugs, sometimes even illegal drugs. Coaching alone is over a billion dollar a year business. Add to that what people are spending on therapists, counselors, consultants and doctors and that’s a ton of money spent trying to get out of pain. I can’t say I blame people.
The problem is we are looking in the wrong direction for relief or freedom.

Read the rest of this post here...

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