Thursday, June 17, 2010

More From Richard Rohr

I get a daily meditation email from Richard Rohr's Center for Action and Contemplation. He's really rocking it right now--check out exhibit A below. Have a lovely day!

Question of the Day:How will the New Cosmology affect my relationship with the earth?

Once you are reconnected and realigned with God in this New Cosmology, it is no longer a disenchanted universe, as it is for most postmodern people. If people had experienced the soul of the earth, we could never have poured chemicals and pollutants into the rivers the way we did for the past one hundred years. We could never have filled the world with trash and garbage.
But the material world was of no consequence. It was just to get human beings to heaven. As Brian McLaren says, salvation became “an evacuation plan for the next world.” Then this world doesn’t mean anything as such. It’s merely a holding tank, even though the Bible ends with the promise of the “new heavens and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1). This earth is clearly seen as participating in this mystery called redemption, liberation, salvation. It’s not just about the human beings.
The whole creation, as Romans 8:18-25 says, “is groaning in one great act of giving birth.” The whole thing is being reborn, recovered, realigned.

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