Each day is also a beginning. This morning is a starting point. Endless opportunities expand before us. You know, it doesn't matter how deep we feel we're going in life or how enlightened we become. We're actually just scratching the surface. How can you tell if you're just scratching the surface of life? Take a moment and check to see if you're still alive. If so, then you've only just begun. Yes, I mean even if you're 85, retired with great-grandkids. You're alive for a reason. God still has more for you in mind - more to experience, be, become, express, drink in, and give to others. What beginnings do you have in front of you? How are you being renewed today in your mind, your body, and your heart? What seeds would you like to sow today?
A wise friend recently told me that we don't have to worry about changing the world. Simply by being alive we change the world a little each day. The question is not, "Do I want to change the world?", but rather, "How am I changing the world?". Are you making the world a more peaceful, loving place or bringing more hatred and pain by your presence? Are you healing yourself and others or wounding? Are you expressing your true self or stifling it?
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