Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Please Participate In My Survey

I am conducting a survey to help form a set of guided meditations. I'd love to get your input to help make them the best they can be. Please hit the link below and complete the survey. It will take fewer than 10 minutes. I really appreciate your time and effort! Peace, -art

P.S. The survey will only be live through 1/8/10, so don't delay. Thanks again!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Headwinds and Tailwinds

I ran outside last week. I run a course that’s 1.5 miles long. I simply run out and back for 3 miles total. On my way out, there didn’t seem to be any wind. It was just a calm morning. But when I got to the halfway mark and turned around, a stiff autumn wind blasted me in the face. The wind was there all along, but I didn’t notice it when it was at my back. It reminded me that the wind is always blowing, but we’re not always aware of it. More specifically, we’re not usually aware of the tailwinds--of the ways in which we are being supported and helped along in life. And when we’re met with headwinds, it’s tempting to buy into the lie that God is no longer present in those moments; that we’re all alone. But the truth is, He remains there, empowering us to run in the face of unreasonable obstacles. Take your steps of faith today, whatever that looks like for you. Be courageous. Defy your headwinds and keep running.